Beach Bike Ride
Canadian spring continues to throw surprises our way. Case in point: one week there was a snow storm and a mere week later, temps got high enough for me to comfortably wear this outfit and bike around barefoot. This isn’t normal, Canada! I’m not complaining, though, because I finally got to take Daisy Chain (we’ll save the story behind my bike’s name for another time) out for a spin after forcing her into storage after our Florida trip. When I bought my bike, I chose it almost solely based on the fact that the pedals are barefoot-friendly. Priorities, people. Seriously
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Wild Heart, Gypsy Soul
I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to start shooting more spring-y looks with you all, but with the weather being the way it has, I’ve been sadly unable 🙁 It finally started to warm up a bit this week, so I took the first opportunity I could to put together an outfit to share with all of you. I fell in love with this “Wild Heart, Gypsy Soul” top the moment I first laid eyes on it at…
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Spring Staples 2016
If y’all have been following my blog recently, you’ll see that my last few posts involved lots of snow. This is truly difficult for my beach-loving heart to wrap its one-tracked mind around. Even though I’m becoming somewhat OK with the colder weather and learning to appreciate everything that Canada throws my way – good or bad – I’m still never going to be 100% on board with snow and cold temps. The good thing is, while I’m sitting here in the toasty cocoon of my office, I can blissfully ignore the great outdoors and play pretend! I don’t have to look out the window or go anywhere today…
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Canadian Spring (Or Not) Adventure
This perfectly sums up Southern Ontario this year. One day, we’re merrily rolling into spring and the next, we’re getting snowfall warnings. All that prancing around in my closet, trying on sundresses and crop tops quickly proved to be premature. I swear this happens every year – all memories of the previous year’s up-and-down weather go up in smoke and I naively think that spring will bring exactly what the storybooks told us it would. Seriously. I daydreamed about coming back from a beautiful February in Florida, blissfully having missed the most brutal…
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