Flip Flops

Boho Pants

Boho Pants

Happy Friday! I don’t know how it’s been for everyone else out there, but here in Southern Ontario, we’ve had some stellar weather! Even though I spent a good part of my winter in Florida, I still feel like I’ve been waiting forever for hot summer days. It’s definitely going to be tough to keep me indoors for the next few months 😉 One of my favorite transitional pieces for this time of year is a fun pair of boho pants. I’ve been seeing these everywhere lately and I can’t say I’m mad about it. I got this Roxy pair at an outlet for around $10, but they’ve been sitting in my closet for a few months now. Real talk: as much as I luuuuuurve boho pants, I find myself struggling with what to wear on top with them. The biggest hurdles for me are…

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Beach Bike Ride

Beach Bike Ride

Canadian spring continues to throw surprises our way. Case in point: one week there was a snow storm and a mere week later, temps got high enough for me to comfortably wear this outfit and bike around barefoot. This isn’t normal, Canada! I’m not complaining, though, because I finally got to take Daisy Chain (we’ll save the story behind my bike’s name for another time) out for a spin after forcing her into storage after our Florida trip. When I bought my bike, I chose it almost solely based on the fact that the pedals are barefoot-friendly. Priorities, people. Seriously

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Let me just start by saying that this photo shoot was completely impromptu. We were in Marathon in the Florida Keys and we’d just spent the morning trying wakeboarding (so much fun!!) We decided to check out Bahia Honda State Park since we’d heard great things about it. At the park, we took a little hike over to this bridge and I realized that I’d…

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Crochet Shorts

Crochet Shorts

Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been slacking on my blog again this past week :/ Time has been flying by so fast somehow and I wish I could just hit the “rewind” button so this vacation wouldn’t be over so quickly. Cue the violins, right? 😉 This outfit is one of my very favorites. I was actually holding on to these crochet shorts for the longest time because, for some reason, I didn’t know how to style them. Silly, I know, because as soon as I paired them with this shirt

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That Fringe Life

That Fringe Life

Ahhhh fringe. How I love thee! Truth be told, as much as I love fringe, I’ve actually had this tank top sitting around in my closet for quite some time. Don’t ask me why, but I just never took it out of hiding until now. Maybe it’s because my love of fringe has grown exponentially in the last little…

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